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What is the relationship between die cutting of pesticide adhesive label materials and surface material quality


Adhesive label material is a composite material composed of surface material, adhesive, silicone oil coating and base paper. The die-cutting of pesticide self-adhesive labels is different from traditional printing materials, such as paper die-cutting, which is conducted through the whole material. The die-cutting of pesticide self-adhesive labels is only to cut the surface material and adhesive layer, keep the silicone oil coating on the base paper and surface, and leave the die-cutting labels on the base paper.



The die-cutting quality of pesticide sticker is related to many factors, such as die-cutting mode, die-cutting device precision, die-cutting precision, etc. The die cutting quality is also related to the characteristics of the pesticide sticker. For example, the properties of the face paper, sticker and base paper are different, and the die cutting characteristics of various pesticide sticker are also different. The following is a brief introduction to the surface materials of adhesive, the die-cutting quality of adhesive and paper.

1. Type of surface material

Its surface materials can be divided into paper and film. The cutting principle of ordinary paper is slightly different from that of film materials. When die-cutting, the surface material and adhesive must be cut through together. The die-cutting paper material is the comprehensive result of the stress fracture of the cutter and the paper sheet. The cutting edge pushes the paper downward and simultaneously to both sides, so the die-cutting accuracy of the paper material is not very high. In the analysis of the sample, we can see that some labels have burrs, which is the phenomenon of natural fracture of the material fiber.

According to the die-cutting characteristics of the paper material, considering the wear of the blade, the angle of the flattening die-cutting blade is generally designated as 520. If the included angle is large, the extrusion deformation of the material is large, and the horizontal separation force aggravates the phenomenon of material fracture and separation. The die-cutting of film materials is a process through which the cutting is completed. Because most membrane materials are ductile and will not break naturally, they must be completely cut or cut to four fifths of the thickness, otherwise the waste will be stripped together with the label.

The blade for die-cutting film materials should be sharp and hard. Use a small angle die-cutting knife. The angle of the blade is usually 30 ° - 42 °. If a large angle die cutter is used, it is not only difficult to die cut, but if the blade is not sharp, the surface material will not cut through, and the backing paper will break, causing the edge of the finished label to turn over, causing glue leakage. In short, the precision of die-cutting film is higher than that of paper material.



2. Strength of surface material

The pesticide label manufacturer pointed out that the strength of the surface material is the same as the thickness, fiber (polymer) structure and humidity of the surface material. In the process of pesticide sticker die cutting, the factor related to the surface material is the discharge speed. The higher the ambient humidity is, the weaker the material strength after being damped is, which is easy to break, and even cannot discharge waste materials. When designing the layout, the waste size and waste speed of labels should be reasonably arranged according to the strength of the materials.

3. Thickness of surface material

The material thickness directly affects the die cutting depth. The thicker the material is, the easier it is to die cut. Relatively speaking, the material is thin, and it is easy to cut the bottom paper. For example, in the same plane label die-cutting machine, die cut 80g/m2 and 60g/m2 of base paper with the same surface material. Results The die cutting waste of 80g/m2 material was normal, while the die cutting waste of 60g/m2 material was often broken. The backing paper is often cut and broken, which wastes a lot. If round die cutting is used or die cutting area is reduced, high-precision equipment can be used to reduce or avoid this phenomenon. Die cutting thin materials must be carried out on high-precision equipment to reduce die cutting area (especially small labels), use die cutting plates from professional die cutting plate manufacturers, and pay attention to the precision of the pad. The thickness of the surface material is proportional to the strength, and the strength directly affects the discharge speed.

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