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What is the two-step processing method of medical labels


  The so-called two-step process refers to the printing process of printing on two devices. This online processing of medical labels is the central printing of two different production methods.



At present, most label printing machines are designed for online processing, that is, printing and processing in central China. The front end of the pesticide label printing machine is fed, and the back end is already the label product.

However, as the label production process becomes more and more complex, it is almost impossible to complete the whole process of online processing at one time to achieve central printing. The reason is simple. First, any device has its limitations. One device cannot have all the functions; Secondly, the more continuous the process, the greater the waste of printing unit downtime. On the contrary, the production in central China will be much more flexible if the two-step method is adopted for label processing. Of course, the two-step method also has some shortcomings, such as low processing efficiency and slow speed. However, for the shorter version of the business, the two-step method is still a more efficient processing method.



Take the in mold label commonly used in cosmetics packaging as an example. The processing equation of this label is relatively complex, which usually requires printing, bronzing, polishing, die cutting and other printing processes. For small batch enterprises, in mold labels are generally produced by: rotary embossing - stamping machine mechanical stamping - rotary polishing - die-cutting machine die-cutting, and the equipment consumables completed by four processes are on three sets of equipment. This is a typical two-step process.

More and more independent processing equipment has been introduced by pesticide label manufacturers, whose functions are limited to a single function, often combined with multiple functions, such as film die-cutting, bronzing film die-cutting, glazing die-cutting, etc. The equipment forms include flat pressing, round pressing and other equipment consumables. Label printing is completed on the printing machine, and other processes are handled by post-processing equipment

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