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How to use stickers one by one in canned products


Canned products have always been controversial, and are usually labeled as "not fresh", "more preservatives", "not nutritious", "not hygienic", etc. But in fact, canned products may be healthier and safer than any other products, because as long as their food materials are high quality and special processes and technologies can make canned products keep fresh even without adding preservatives.

However, there are also very few bad businesses that use rotten materials to process cans in order to make huge profits, which requires adding preservatives to make canned products look fresh. Therefore, in order to make consumers feel at ease when buying and eating, it is necessary to apply one thing one yard of canned products!

How can one thing one yard be used in canned products?

One can, one code: In the can factory, the laser machine is controlled to encrypt and carve the two-dimensional code through online code assignment software. Each can has a unique two-dimensional code, which truly realizes one can, one code. The coding equipment collects the product batch number, shelf life, production date and other information on each can package. The information was successfully stored in the QR code traceability system to provide evidence for the whole process traceability of canned products.

Logistics tracking: enterprises complete the warehousing and delivery of products, dealer management, and tracking logistics information through the QR code tracking system, which can achieve the traceability of the whole supply chain information from production to the terminal, eliminate the phenomenon of product counterfeiting and dealers fleeing, and can recall the problematic products.

Scan the code to check the authenticity: consumers can know the production and circulation information of the product by scanning the QR code on the cans. They can directly check the authenticity through the company's registered website. Consumers' rights and interests are guaranteed.

Digital marketing: consumers can also scan the code to participate in platform activities, increase the number of scanned codes, and improve product sales. It can also collect user information, provide different marketing plans for different target groups, improve marketing efficiency and reduce marketing costs.

Benefits of One Material One Code Application

For consumers who do not have the ability to identify authentic products, providing reliable third-party commodity investigation channels will help consumers identify the authenticity of products and reassure consumers.

The right of consumers to know about the food they have purchased is guaranteed. The source of the same line, same standard and same quality food can be checked and the responsibility can be investigated by scanning the code, so as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Different marketing schemes are implemented for different regions and populations to reduce enterprise marketing costs and obtain more accurate traffic, which is more efficient, real-time and convenient than traditional marketing.

The QR code traceability system can improve the efficiency of anti-counterfeiting, strengthen consumers' awareness of products and enterprises, enhance consumers' credibility of enterprises, and enhance brand image.

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