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Prevent the use of self-adhesive label codes in the fake beauty industry


With the gradual increase of new brands and the emergence of counterfeit and shoddy products, "one box, one code" has become an important link in the sustainable development of brands, and brand building competitiveness has also become a crucial link. For the sustainable development of the enterprise, PMPM implements one thing one code digital management. One item and one code can not only help consumers to better identify the authenticity of products, understand product production information, parameter information, etc., but also help enterprises to monitor product quality, facilitate product recall, and better realize product safety traceability and traceability.

In recent years, the beauty industry has been flooded with fakes. Because of the high brand awareness and sales volume of online sales platforms, counterfeiters are likely to follow suit. As a new "pet" of domestic products in the beauty industry, PMPM can't avoid such problems. In order to prevent the wanton behavior of counterfeit and shoddy products, PMPM cooperates with Tingxun Technology, borrows the anti-counterfeit traceability function of "one thing, one code", and by customizing anti-counterfeit labels for products, it can effectively combat the chaos of counterfeit and shoddy products and help enterprises recapture the market occupied by counterfeit and shoddy products.

The two-dimensional code anti-counterfeiting label of the product is based on the technical principle of one thing one code anti-counterfeiting. Its non replicability increases the counterfeiting cost of the counterfeiter, which effectively improves the brand image of the enterprise to a certain extent. The use of anti-counterfeiting labels for products can reflect the specialization and normalization of enterprises, and can also enhance consumers' confidence in products, thus stimulating consumers' desire to buy.

One thing and one code can not only identify the authenticity of products, but also help enterprises retain customers and improve their competitiveness in the same industry. By scanning the QR code and paying attention to PMPM's WeChat official account and enterprise mall, customers can carry out multiple marketing to customers. Customers' participation in platform activities or receiving platform bonus points can stimulate consumers' enthusiasm for consumption, improve market share and brand influence, which is undoubtedly an intangible asset of enterprises.

Through one thing, one code, the product becomes a bridge between enterprises and consumers. By scanning the QR code, consumers can understand the product and enterprise information, which is helpful to build brand prestige and customer loyalty to the product. Enterprises can more rationally perceive the needs of consumers, and then provide more accurate services to achieve long-term development of enterprises. Digital marketing has a higher degree of specialization, efficiency and lower marketing cost, which also creates a strong competitive advantage for the brand.

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